Giovanna Golin
Profession and skills
Dancer in Balletto Di Parma.
Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Modern Dance (Martha Graham, Horton Dance and Limón Technique), Jazz Dance, Belly Dance.
Stage Experiences
11/2023- Currently on tour with Corrado Abbati Company and Balletto Di Parma in “Al Cavallino Bianco” and “Stelle di
Broadway”, Italy.
09/2023- Choreography by Nnamdi Nwagwu and Francesco Frola in Festival Verdi, Italy.
07/2023- Paquita Suite as a Soloist and “E também Saudade” by Diógenes Pivatto in Teatro Dom Bosco, Brazil.
12/2022- Choreography “Terra” by Sthéphanie Mascara with Young Company of The Municipal Theater of São Paulo, Brazil.
08/2022- Nomination for the APCA DANÇA 2022 Award with the choreography “Mariofagia” by Cristiana de Souza and Armando Aurich with the São Paulo School of Dance – Contemporary Dance, Brazil.
06/2022- Participation in the season of “Swan Lake” of São Paulo Dance Company – Ballet Classical Repertoire, Brazil. 10/2021- Award for Best Dancer of the Onça Pintada Festival, Brazil.
06/2020- Video dance with choreographic composition inspired by the work of Henry Matisse. “A Dança”, 1909 – Modern Dance and Contemporary Dance, Brazil.
10/2019- Ballet “The Magic Flute” with the Young Company São Paulo Municipal Theatre, Brazil. 09/2019- YAGP Brasil – Ballet Classical of Repertoire e Neo Classical Ballet, Brazil. 07,05,04/2019- Ballet “Don Quixote” with the Young Company São Paulo Municipal Theatre, Brazil 01/2019- Ballet “Swan Lake” as Pas de Quatre, Brazil.
Dance School of São Paulo- Diploma of Professional Dance in Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance and Martha Graham Technique (2022), Brazil.
High School Complete- State School Senador Adolfo Gordo (2022), Brazil.
https://instagram.com/giovannagolin?igshid=MXNmYW8xMGJmY3ZqOQ== Nationality:
Portuguese (Mother Tongue), English (intermediate), Spanish (basic), Italian (basic)
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